Thursday, September 12, 2013

ISTC 651: Information Literacy & Access

Professional Reading 1: "Information Literacy/Fluency and 21st Century Literacy Types" This discusses what “Information Fluency” is, and shows and describes a model for how to achieve information fluency. Thebroad/ general “literacy types” are bulleted on this page. The article you will read lists more specific types of literacy under the subheading: Which literacies are implied in »multiliteracy« for 21st century?

Summary of Article: This article discusses the importance of how teaching multiliteracy will be in the coming years to help students become more able to read information effectively in a science classroom (but really, in all academic settings), because the way science is now being explained using ICT (Information and Communication Technology). The author then breaks down a few types of literacies and explains what is needed to be literate in each area. Then, the article focuses mainly on explaining and discussing “visual literacy” and why it is so important to learn to be literate in visual literacy especially in the field of science. She explains that it will need to be a team effort of teachers to teach students these fluencies, and that teachers need to be trained how to teach visual literacy.


Question 1: Do you agree with the author?…” books / textbooks, printed material are (are going to be) hardly needed any more. In future most likely ICT [Information and Communications Technology] is going to overtake their function.”

Question 2: Do you agree that visual literacy is something that must be taught, and not something that students can just “pick up” from watching TV shows?

Question 3: Do you think it is important for educators to be trained in visual literacy? Do you see this in our futures as educators?

Wordle: Reading 1

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